“Ramsay, your website sucks ….” A bold statement like that from a lot of people would trigger my Scottish temper quicker than you can say spit; but in this case, it was coming from one of my best friends. In situations like that an old dog needs to just listen up. The development process for this new site was a mixture of excitement and fear, but looking back on the old version vs. this one, it was certainly true and changing it up was the right thing to do. The creative mind behind this new website’s design and functionality is my friend Gavin “G3” Robinson; who is not only the best angler I’ve ever fished with, but also one of the most humble and genuine human beings I know. I’m fortunate to have him as a friend. This week’s pic is G3 doing what he does when he’s not creating cool web things and writing HTML code. Sometimes an old dog is willing to listen and try something new ….. thanks buddy
a little tough love never hurt anyone.